How long does it take to get my prepayment back?

We're sorry that you've had to cancel your booking with us. Please first ensure that you have read our Booking Conditions for information on cancellation fees. Once your booking is cancelled, contact us using the icons below  to request your refund. Any funds that are to be refunded can take up to 5-7 working days from the date they are processed. If there are any extraordinary circumstances that may affect the above timeframe, our customer care team will let you know. If you have cancelled your booking on the same day you created it, there is nothing to refund as the charges would not have been made until midnight. Any item listed on your statement in this case will be a pre-authorisation hold, not a debit.


Don't forget to review the terms and conditions when you book, which include everything you need to know ahead of your journey.

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Already planned a trip? Check your booking.